About Us
Awaken the natural essentiality of your habitat, with Bonsai Green Cleaning.
Breathe in fresh tranquility by experiencing professional non-toxic, environmentally friendly homemade cleaning for your home. Our green cleaning recipes enhance a physical calming state for you and your home. Leaving your home as you walked into nature. Bonsai Green cleaning prides our-self on honesty and life longevity. The top five cleaning companies build and grow their foundation on toxic chemicals that are absorbed into the skin. Many known cleaning companies harmfully use toxic products to clean your home, which has been linked to a leading causing cancer. A majority believe that you can't rid kitchens, bathrooms, carpets, and counters of the filth and bacteria without super-strong chemicals with super-long names. Bonsai Green cleaning is here to change that belief in the community.
Our trained and trusted cleaning professionals are entrusted with nurturing cleaning care to your home, its furnishings, the health of its occupants, as well as being environmentally conscious. All cleaning professionals are trained and equipped with knowledge of hygienic cleaning, effective sanitizing of surfaces, use of appropriate non-toxic green cleaning agents, and procedures to prevent cross-contamination. You confidently trust the cleaning and relax in a clean and healthy home.
Why Choose Bonsai?
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
100% green cleaning &all-natural handmade products.
LOCALLY OWNED, #Blackowned Business.
Our employees have consistently updated training on cleaning virus-carrying germs, cleaning preventive measures, cross-contamination, friendly, background-checked, bonded, and insured.
Our special blend of aromatherapy infused with essential oils (air purifier), purifies the air and is included with all cleanings.
Detailed cleaning system with our 55 points cleaning checklist.
Customizable cleaning packages to fit your needs. recurring cleaning packages to help maintain your cleanings.
Steam sanitizing and disinfecting cleaning options
Reduces exposure to toxic chemicals and virus-carrying germs.